Dylan Diaries, part 2: Procrastination Sensation

Things I did last week while putting off working on my dissertation:

1. Facebook-stalked some friends.
2. Stayed up all night reading book three of the Game of Thrones books.
3. Stared blankly at my computer screen.
4. Drew a picture of my outfit:

You read that right; it was a $1.99 dress.

5. Read blogs
6. Watched The Vampire Diaries (I must have really not wanted to do my work, right?)
7. Thought about submitting a paper to a conference
8. Snuggled with Desmond
9. Snuggled with Molly (these are my cats for those of you new to this)
10. Ate candy corn
11. Drank excessive amounts of coffee. (Just one more cup will give me inspiration, won't it?)
13. Finally, miraculously, I wrote -- just a little.

This week I'm back on track, so maybe you'll get a "real" Dylan diaries post next week.

P.S. Today is my dad, Ed's birthday. He's our keyboard player/percussionist and also responsible for drums, bass, organ, piano, and background vocals on our latest record. He's pretty much awesome, and I wouldn't be who I am today without his love, wisdom, humor and musical influence! Happy Birthday, Dad!


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