Friday Extras: Winter in Review

Happy Friday, friends! Spring is in the air here in Texas, even on this slightly chilly morning, so I find myself reminiscing on the highlights of this winter, even as I look forward to sunnier days to come.

Extra photos: Here are some of my favorite photos from the last couple of months (and some from December). You've seen some of them on the blog already. Some didn't make the cut, though I really like them.

Now, you may be thinking, "Most of those pictures are of Christine; what is she, some kind of narcissist?" The answer to that question is two-fold: 1) Yes, I'm sort of a narcissist; we've all got our issues to work on, don't we? :) 2) These first couple of months of renewed blogging have been filled with figuring out how to take good pictures with our new camera. Adam is way better at this than I am, which is why I tend to be in the photos, since he's usually the one behind the camera.

Extra Thanks:

If it comforts you at all, I'm not a total narcissist. I have a lot of wonderful people in my life who I'm deeply thankful for. I spell out some of the particulars of that thanks in this post, over at


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