What I've been doing (or, apologies and excuses)

So I've been a bit of a slacker on the blog in the last month or so. There are several reasons (or excuses) for this. Easter time is always busy for worship leaders, and the holiday came late this year, converging with my Chicago conference and all the busyness of semester wrap-ups (I think T.S. Eliot said "April is the cruellest month" because he was an academic :)). There was a death in the family, as well as a thesis-defending husband, and all the schedule changes involved with these activities and April's extra responsibilities caused me to really get off schedule with my blogging. Then last week brought end-of-semester grading, my birthday and mother's day. Instead of blogging on Monday, I spent time recovering (and eating leftover birthday cake :))

But now, I'm ready to get back in the game. Here are some blogging goals for the rest of May:

  • Before school's summer session starts, I plan to perform an apartment-wide purge -- and you'll get to read about it here.
  • As Memorial Day approaches, I'm putting away spring clothes and getting ready for summer. You'll get a spring recap for the No-New-Clothes Challenge
  • I'd like to give a review of the books I mentioned earlier this spring, now that I've read them, and I also plan to read The Goldfinch and join in with the bookclub discussion over at A Beautiful Mess.


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