Mid-year resolutions

I read a blog post recently about June being the new January -- that is, about mid-year being the perfect time to look back and reassess, rethink, or renew your new year's resolutions. I like this idea of a half-year re-set. If babies can have half-year birthday parties, then we can definitely all have happy half-year parties, right? So, let's pour something sparkling and talk about a mid-year reset on our 2015 goals.

2015 goals:
Normally, I set fairly specific New Year goals, and I assumed I did so this year, too. But looking back to my journaling and blogging, I can't find much in the way of specific goals to check up on. There were two publicly stated blog goals: 1) to post here on the blog 5 times a week, and 2) to undertake a purging, cleaning, and organizing project for my home and document it here (Project COPE). With only few exceptions, I've kept both of these, even if I do still have a lot of work to do on getting my home in order.

The goals that nag at me here at mid-year, however, have to do with my own music. I can't find a place where I wrote a specific goal regarding my music, but I began the year wanting to write more songs and to write something that I could submit for publication. While I was teaching a songwriting course in the first half of the year, I was writing a lot, and I now have a growing pile of new material. What I don't have is practice time with the band, additional gigs on the books, demos of the new stuff, actual plans for a new project, new videos and other promotional stuff for my music, or a consistent writing habit now that I'm in the easy flow of summer.

I want to change all that.

2015 mid-year resolutions:
I'm hitting the reset button. I've enjoyed my 5-blog-posts-a-week goal; it's been good for me as a writer. It's also shown me that I have time to think up 5 days of reasonably interesting web content, and that if I can do it for this blog, I can do something similar for my music. However, I can't do both at the same time. Something has to go.

So, starting now, I'm reducing my blog posts here to 3-4 times a week. In the time I'd normally devote to blogging, I'll be doing something related to music. That might mean spending time writing; that might mean revamping my music site or making a music video or booking gigs. But whatever I do, it will mean more consistent, devoted attention to my music. (This blog began, after all, as an extension of my music site). I'm making this resolution public, because, as I know from experience, I'm much better at keeping specific, public resolutions than vague, private ones.

How about you? Do you need to reset any goals now that we are at 2015's halfway point?


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