Friday extras: Magic cats and Brain Magic

Extra truth:

This article from buzzfeed is so close to what happens in my brain every time I step foot inside a Target store that it's scary and a little shameful. Check it out if you're a Target addict like me:

Extra animated Oscar:

Last night, I came home to find Oscar like this:

If you're curious, the record is Bob Dylan's Bringing it All Back Home. He was just spinning around to "Subterranean Homesick Blues" when I came in from teaching.

Extra cats on record players:

And now, what you really want to see: a real cat spinning the tunes:

Extra Lenten reflection:

Our church is having a special Lenten prayer service this week. If you're in the Dallas area, and would like to kick off your Easter celebrations with some prayer and reflection, we'd love to have you. 

Extra Magic for Your Brain:

In this video, a WW2 veteran talks about the power of music in war. WARNING: this will make you cry. (Thanks, Renea!)


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