Friday Extras: 31 Gifts

31 reasons I'm thankful on this, my 31st birthday:

Note: This is a random, stream-of-conscious, incomplete list. Some things are shallow, some deep, but they are all things I'm thankful for -- all birthday gifts I've already been given -- all beautiful extras.

1. Coffee exists -- espresso, cappuccino, french press, iced, mocha, etc.
2. My sweet husband brought me some of said coffee along with breakfast in bed this morning.

3. Also, Starbucks gives free coffee on birthdays -- A Raspberry Mocha is my special favorite, if you'd like to know.
4. I can hear a Jackson Browne song right now
5. Desmond and Molly are adorable, and I'm a shameless cat mom
6. I finished grading my student papers and tests this week.
7. I get to read and talk about it for a (partial) living!
8. I also get to play my guitar and sing in praise to God for a partial living. This is a great gift.
9. I have friends who accept me for exactly who I am
10. I get to have brunch with my parents today.
11. I have great parents! I can always talk with my mom or jam with my dad. I love them so much.
12. In fact, I have a great family and extended family. If Adam and I ended up homeless, there are many couches we could crash on until we'd scraped together enough cash from playing guitar in the streets. (You can tell I've thought about this).
13. I'm surrounded by books.
14. "This is my Father's world; He shines in all that's fair."
15. We did not get swept away by a tornado yesterday afternoon.
16. Christ is risen and death is defeated.
17. Colin Firth is Mr. Darcy
18. Also, I found my very own Mr. Darcy. He's handsome, dark, doesn't like to dance, has great hair, and he's a real softy under that stoic exterior. I barely miss the huge estate and money bit. :)
19. I'm currently getting ready for "Dallas Does Elton John" on May 31st. I love playing those kinds of shows with great local artists and friends. I can't wait to be transported to the film Almost Famous as everyone sings, "Hold me closer, tiny dancer!"
20. My husband and I both have jobs.
21. On last year's birthday, I had a goal of finishing my doctorate before the next birthday -- goal met!
22. chocolate.
23. Thank you notes from students.
24. Italian food
25. A great church filled with people I can feel at home with.
26. A very flexible work schedule
27. Poetry
28. The Dallas Museum of Art is free now. So is the Kimbell's permanent collection -- so, here in Dallas-Ft. Worth there are plenty of opportunities to see great, free art.
29. I can make my student loan payments.
30. Target.
31. Great TV shows like Mad Men, Dr. Who, Call the Midwife, and our newest old favorite -- Chuck. There are so many wonderful stories being told and Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime let me see most of them without ever paying for cable.

Wow! When I started, I actually thought it would be hard to make it all the way to 31. And there's still one more thing I'm thankful for -- you, reader, whoever you are out there on the world wide web. Thanks for reading.


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