3 Easy Fixes: Cheap home decor

I'm not great at trendy or fashionable home decor or at fancy home DIYs, but I'm really good at combining our hand-me-down furniture, random knick-knacks, and cheap Ikea pieces into a place that feels like home and looks reasonably attractive. Here are 3 of my favorite easy fixes for inexpensive home decor:

Accessories are beautiful and they often have sentimental value attached (like these bowties, which belonged to my grandfather-in-law). Why keep them hidden? They make attractive conversation pieces and you'll be more likely to wear them if they're out in front of you all the time.

Adam and I own a lot of books, so they are my go-to pieces for changing my home decor for the seasons. I like to pick a combination of seasonal colors and themes. As Halloween approaches, I'll probably add in some Poe or Pride and Prejudice with Zombies. For Christmas, my beautiful red and green copies of A Christmas Carol and Little Women will go on display.

I love candles. I buy them all the time, and I usually throw the jars and tins they come in away. Of course, that is a huge waste. Those candle tins can hold much more than candles, and I recently saved the one you see above from a life in the wasteland by removing the label and excess wax (easily accomplished by sticking it in the freezer for a few minutes so that the wax comes out with minimal effort), and using the jar as the perfect, sleek, mid-size vase for my fall flowers.


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