Frocktober Fashion

The weather is finally cool enough to get away with some light layers in the mornings. We've only had one tights and boots day. All the other days have been warm enough to go bare-legged, but I'm keeping it fall-ish with boots and light layers anyway.

The last couple of weeks have been the first in over a month that I've gotten to choose from my whole closet in getting dressed since I did a remix for the whole month of September and spent the first 2 weeks of fall living out of a suitcase. Fall is my favorite time for getting dressed because of all the lovely layers, so I hope we can get to highs in the 60s and 70s instead of the 80s soon; I'd like to stay cool and comfortable during those heated discussions of composition and rhetoric that so often grip my enthusiastic classes. (Who am I kidding? I'd like to stay comfortable while walking to my car...)


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