Fall Fashion: Autumn Pastels

One of the trends I've seen a lot of this fall is pastels, especially dusty rose and blush. I have to be careful with this blush blouse because it tends to wash my face out, so I paired it with a tan sweater and brought just a little color to the face with the necklace. Then, I kept the pastels going with the khaki colored pants and light tan loafers. I'm pretty happy with how this turned out, but now that I've tried the trend, I don't think I would go back unless I could buy new pastel pieces that suit my coloring a little better. (And that blend in with the wall behind me a little less. As you can see, we had a hard time getting these fuzzy photos, since I was almost the same color as the wall.)


What do you think about pastels for fall? Do you like the change from dark colors or does it mess up your inner sense of the season?

In other news, Adam and I are still doing the 21 day fix, and this week, my willpower for doing anything else is at an all-time low -- hence the single blog post this week. Sorry about that, readers. Maybe in the final week of the 21-day fix I'll finally hit my stride for doing the diet/exercise and the rest of life well.


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