Project COPE

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to get serious about decluttering, cleaning, and organizing our home. For the purposes of blogging, I'm dubbing this endeavor "Project COPE" -- that is, Clean, Organize, Purge, Enjoy. 

To kick things off, the husband and I did a top-to-bottom deep clean of our apartment. I'm also beginning the purging process. But for me, the most difficult part of keeping an orderly home isn't completing the big projects, but taking care of the ongoing maintenance. Those of you who are natural cleaners probably don't understand how I could let dishes sit in the sink for a couple of days or allow my mail to accumulate for months, but for me, it's accomplished quite easily. So my next step is to find a good cleaning schedule that I might actually abide by. Here are a few that I've found online:

This plan from Rachel Ann provides a free, customizable planner printable for scheduling weekly cleaning.

Real Simple has a simple daily cleaning checklist to use. (I love that magazine).

Simply Rebekah has a cleaning schedule for a whole year that you can customize to your heart's delight and print.

My favorite, from Of the Hearth, gives good tips for figuring out what kind of cleaning schedule will work for you, and her plan comes with a helpful infographic. I will probably work on customizing her plan to fit my life.

What about you guys? What kind of cleaning schedule works for you?


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