Friday Extras: Songwriting 101

Hey guys, I put together this little video for my songwriting class and I thought it might be fun to share here. If you've ever wondered about the difference between a bridge and a pre-chorus, or what makes a chorus stand out from a verse, this demonstration will show you. And because I'm a big nerd, I decided to make the whole lesson in song form.

It's like School House Rock meets School of Rock.

Also, I look really silly in the little preview frame. Do any youtube gurus out there know if there's a way to control what image ends up in that preview?

Anyway, I hope your Friday is happy and your weekend feels long.


  1. You *are* a big nerd. And you are awesome. This makes me super happy on so many levels. I was *just* thinking you should do some video tutorials! Like for the No Heat Curls tutorial--I think a video might be helpful for that.

    Also, more directly related to this post, I learned lots about song(writing) I didn't know before! Cheers!

  2. And your meta-song is stuck in my head already; and I know what you're thinking: #sorrynotsorry

    1. If it's any consolation, the song is stuck in my head too. :)


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