The big purge

Remember last year when I made this purge chart and tried to use it to clean out my crazy collection of stuff?

The chart helped, and I got rid of some things I needed to get rid of. I also ended up with a few bags of things that need to be donated that are still sitting in my closet, un-donated.

About a year has gone by, and -- surprise -- clutter doesn't stop piling up just because you do a one-time purge. Oh no, clutter, like dishes, is full of pernicious magic. It just keeps coming back.

Now, we find ourselves on the brink of an apartment move, and I do NOT want to move a bunch of stuff that we don't need. It's time to get serious about the "Purge" part of project COPE.

I was inspired by the 40 bags in 40 days challenge, which is pretty much what it sounds like -- participants get rid of a bag of stuff a day corresponding to the 40 days of Lent (and taking Sundays off). I kind of missed the Lent timeframe and I don't actually have a full 40 days to get my purging done before we have to start packing, but the challenge is great because it has lots of decluttering resources, like charts to help you start decluttering and a list of where to donate stuff you're getting rid of.

My goal is not as specific as 40 days, but I do want to use the month of April to cover every area of our apartment and keep you guys updated here on the blog so that I have some accountability for my progress. Anyone else want to join me in a clutter purge?


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