To Adam, Bringer of Coffee

To Adam, Bringer of coffee,
Maker of unpleasant phone calls,
Cat care-giver, and Cold-feet coverer:

You make the world a magical place.

Most would never guess that you are six foot six of whimsy and I the lucky beneficiary.

When I address the moon and you're with me, the moon responds.
Inanimate objects spring to life at your touch, lying in wait to surprise and delight.
You spin words and spin worlds, making stories out of the otherwise ordinary plot-points of our daily lives.
You sweep away the dirty bits -- clean out the cat box and take out the trash -- so all I see is the happy ending.

The world outside of ours is often dark;
you look into the darkest corners and search until you find a glimmering ray of laughter.
Together, we've built a shining castle out of a thousand inside jokes.

It's hard for me to remember a time when my chilly toes stayed cold in the evening and no coffee appeared at my side in the morning; a time when "we" were simply "you" and "me."

And now, I am ruined for any less magical life than the one you've given me.

Happy Anniversary.


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