Summer Favorites

It's time again for my seasonal review. Summer has been a fun time on the blog, because I've had more time to post. Yesterday, I reviewed the highlights of my no-new-clothes challenge from this summer. Today, I tackle the rest of the blog.


 In June, I read some bestsellers, gave my take on the film and phenomenon, Frozen, shared my recipe for Iced Coffee, and Adam and I celebrated 7 years of marriage with a fun weekend escape to Fort Worth. The weather in June was lovely -- never too hot -- and I was happy to spend some time outside with friends and family.


I kicked off July with an amazing Kansas concert, got intensely involved in the Mortal Instruments series mid-month, and enjoyed exercising my creativity, with songwriting, a surprise falafel recipe, and my first time to do a DIY with my mom (for this site). While I stayed in my summer basics this month, I also enjoyed that time-tested tradition of shopping with a friend. July was a good month -- the height of summer spent soaking all that summeriness in.


We kicked August off by laughing and dancing to Guardians of the Galaxy, and wrapped it up right before school started with the Doctor Who Season 8 premiere. I enjoyed celebrating Adam's birthday with cookie cake, and I loved getting ready for back-to-school with a series of back-to-school posts. August was a busy month and, as usual, it was a hot month, leaving me salivating for pumpkin-spice-lattes and cooler temperatures.

This fall on the blog, I hope to do another clothing remix like I did back in February, I'd like to review some of the neglected novels sitting on my nightstand, and I can't wait for Halloween-inspired clothing combos and costumes. I'll also be doing away with "Friday Extras." My original idea for such a feature made sense in my head as a space to write about any of life's "extras" that I wanted to take time out to appreciate. It's morphed into the day I write about whatever I want -- which is kind of like every other day. So, I'll still post on Fridays, but I won't be attempting to fit a "Friday Extras" theme.

I hope everyone has a marvelous Labor Day Weekend. I'll be kicking it off by performing with several talented singer-songwriters at Opening Bell Coffeehouse for Dallas Does the music of Willie Nelson. If you're in Dallas, come see me -- it's going to be great!


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