No-Sew Scarf Cardigan
Step 1: Purchase a scarf in a beautiful print from Target. Wear it occasionally, but not often; its square shape makes it hard to wear without looking like a cowboy in a bandana.
Step 2: Try a year-long no-new-clothes challenge. Immediately discover that you want one of those cute, bohemian shawl-like cardigans you see everywhere.
Step 3: Attempt to make your own version of this new style by raiding your giant scarf collection and draping, tying, and belting them in various configurations. You may even write a blog entry about it.
Step 4: Fail to come up with the just-right look. Think about sewing one of your scarves to give it sleeves -- perhaps that cool one with the black and white print you like so much. Decide your sewing skills are not up to snuff. Resolve to buy one of those cool cardigans as soon as the New Year dawns.
Step 5: The New Year Dawns. Go on a marathon shopping trip, trying on every shawl-cardigan you find. Discard them all; they are either too expensive, too flimsy, or too Aztec for your taste.
Step 6: Have a revelation. You know that scarf you love and had decided not to ruin with your poor sewing skills? It has fringe! You don't need to sew it -- you can tie it!
Step 7: Drape and tie until you find the perfect technique. Rejoice in your new creation, but feel a little sad and silly for not having figured this out while you were still on a new-clothes fast.
Step 8: Enjoy wearing your new scarf-cardigan with your brand new sweater and jeans:
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