'Totes Amaze' DIY

You guys know how much I like to use sharpies in my DIYs, right? (See here, here, and here.) Well, this mother's day, I was inspired by my polka-cats bag and my lovely new sharpie fabric markers to make some fun, personalized totes for the moms in my life.

Supplies: blank totes (I got mine at target), sharpie fabric markers, heavy card stock, a pen or pencil, and scissors. 

Step one: Choose your design, draw it on your card stock, and cut it out so you have a stencil. I chose hearts and butterflies for two of my designs because they are symmetrical, making it easy to just draw one half on a folded piece of card stock. For the last bag, I used the Star Trek insignia. I could have printed it and traced it, but I just free-handed it.

Step 2: Turn on your favorite binge-watching show on Netflix or Hulu, and start stenciling in your design. Pro-tip: It works best to alternate the direction of your stencil, unless you're going for a "stars and stripes" kind of look. Try to space the design evenly, and if you want, add a few half designs on the edges.

Step 3: Add any free-handing details (like butterfly antennae or the Enterprise officer symbol, below), then wait for it to dry. You're all done!


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