Friday Extras: Spring in Review

One of my favorite parts of blogging regularly is looking back on what's happened. This spring has been busy, and I haven't blogged as much as I should have. Despite that, as I've looked back, I've enjoyed reminiscing over pictures and thoughts from the past season. Apparently this season I read a lot (see here, here, and here) and watched a lot of TV (here, here, here, and here). We also met Oscar the magic cat, who later showed us around Chicago. I tried to make the most of spring by getting outside -- here and here -- and we celebrated Easter season, from Fat Tuesday to Easter Sunday. Toward the end of spring, I turned 31 and finally got around to some spring cleaning. Also, of course, I resisted the temptation to buy new spring clothes, in keeping with the no-new-clothes challenge. 

Here are some extra photos from the season:


Finally, if you need some extra Elton John in your life, we are super excited about performing in a Dallas does Elton John tribute show tomorrow night starting at 8:00 at Opening Bell Coffee. It's going to be a great night of music from several wonderful singer-songwriters paying tribute to Sir Elton John.


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